Tutorial 1: Running Online User Studies with the reVISit Framework
Jack Wilburn, Hilson Shrestha, Zach Cutler, Yiren Ding, Tingying He, Andrew McNutt, Lane Harrison, and Alexander Lex);
Contact: Jack Wilburn <jwilburn@sci.utah.edu>
Tutorial 2: Reliable Visual Analytics with Dimensionality Reduction: Quality Evaluation and Interpretation of Projections
Hyeon Jeon, Takanori Fujiwara, and Rafael M. Martins
Contact: Hyeon Jeon <hj@hcil.snu.ac.kr>
Panel 1: Future Challenges and Unsolved Problems in Health Visualization
Robert Laramee, Bernhard Preim, Anna Vilanova, David Borland, and Renata Georgia Raidou
Contact: Robert Laramee <robert.laramee@nottingham.ac.uk>
Panel 2: What is the role of workshops in visualization research?
Christina Gillmann, Guido Reina, Johanna Schmidt, and Daniel Wiegreffe
Contact: Johanna Schmidt <jschmidt@cg.tuwien.ac.at>